Behind the scenes

Spotlight on Romandy: here’s what French-speaking Switzerland is buying online

Stephan Kurmann
Translation: Katherine Martin

Which products do customers from Switzerland’s French-speaking regions buy from Digitec and Galaxus most often? IT and gardening products top the rankings, while sales of non-perishable foodstuff have increased in recent times. Romandy shoppers are most likely to place their orders after dinner on Monday evening.

During the pandemic, I took a closer look at the way our customers in French-speaking Switzerland shop online. Three years have gone by since then, so it’s high time I put Romandy’s shopping habits back under the microscope.

The biggest Galaxus fans in French-speaking Switzerland

Digitec and Galaxus are particularly popular in two cantons – Vaud and Fribourg. In fact, these are the regions that place the most orders. Fribourg residents buy the most baby products, toys and clothes.

As for shoppers in Vaud, they top the order rankings in every other product category – from consumer electronics and furniture to sporting goods and pet food.

Green fingers and computer whizzes

Looking at all orders placed in every French-speaking Swiss canton, IT and multimedia products come out on top. These are the products most likely to be added to Romandy shopping carts. In addition to USB cables, laptops and headphones, gardening and DIY products are especially popular in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.

Although these preferences have been set in stone for years, one thing has changed since the pandemic: people in French-speaking Switzerland are buying more interior and household products online. It seems furnishing and decorating homes well as well as keeping them in good condition has become increasingly important.

Bon appétit: French-speaking Switzerland’s ordering groceries online

Our strongest sales growth last year, however, stemmed from the food sector. This coincided with steps we’d taken to significantly expand our range of snacks, baked goods and ready meals. After doing the same with our selection of health and beauty products, we saw a mighty 51-per-cent rise in sales. Meanwhile, the pet food category recorded the third-highest sales growth.

To recap, the biggest Digitec Galaxus fans live in Vaud, our bestsellers are IT products and non-perishable food sales are booming. But when are our Romandy-based customers most likely to log on for a spot of shopping?

Monday is Digitec Galaxus Day

Shoppers in both the French- and German-speaking parts of Switzerland prefer to order from Digitec and Galaxus at the beginning of the week. On both sides of the linguistic divide, about 17 per cent of purchases are made on a Monday. The fewest orders are placed on Fridays and Saturdays in both language regions.

However, regional differences arise when it comes to the time of day, with customers in German-speaking Switzerland most likely to place their orders in the morning. Customers in French-speaking Switzerland, on the other hand, prefer shopping in the afternoon and early evening. From 7 to 9 p.m., customers in German-speaking Switzerland rush to fill their shopping carts once again.

Which part of the data surprises you the most? How does all this compare with your shopping habits? Keen to find out more? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

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