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Migros relies on digitec connect for its employees

Norina Brun
Translation: Veronica Bielawski

Our digitec connect mobile subscription isn’t just available for private customers. Companies can offer their employees the subscription at a reduced rate. And that’s precisely what the Federation of Migros Cooperatives has been doing for several months now.

Many companies offer employee benefits – think in-house gym, bar or free catering. Or digitec connect. Companies can offer employees a discounted mobile subscription. And it doesn’t cost the company anything. Christian Klein, Strategic Supply Chain Manager at the Federation of Migros Cooperatives (FMC), has opted for this offer. Find out how it’s being received by employees in this conversation with him and Ralf Angermann, B2B Solution Manager at Digitec Galaxus.

Norina: What’s the digitec connect offer for employees like?
Ralf Angermann: Using digitec connect is meant to be as simple as possible – not just for our private customers, but also for our business customers. It’s very easy for companies to offer the digitec connect mobile subscription as an employee benefit.

What exactly does that mean?
Ralf: Business customers have access to a portal where they can keep track of who joins and leaves the company. That’s all there is to it. Employees also have their own digitec connect portal, so they’re in control of their subscription. The only reminder that their subscription is part of a business contract comes at the end of each month. They benefit from attractive conditions and see this on the invoice.

Other providers surely offer good prices, too. Why should companies go for digitec connect?
Ralf: With digitec connect, employees are still the contract holders of their own phone number. So – unlike with other providers – there are no annoying takeover applications to deal with if an employee leaves the company. Employees are in control during the term of their subscription: they can manage their subscription independently in their own Cockpit. And, unlike with a company number, they can continue to call value-added service numbers, which are used by many hospitals or emergency medical services, for example. (Editor’s note: Swisscom and Sunrise block «0900» numbers for business customers.) And digitec connect is very low-effort for the company. One click is all it takes to document when an employee leaves the company.

Christian, you’re responsible for purchasing telephony solutions at the Federation of Migros Cooperatives. Why did you choose digitec connect?
Christian Klein: At a cooperative such as Migros, nothing is ever decided from the top down. We always decide together. So our proposal went through various committees. What sealed the deal was digitec connect’s Family + Friends option. With other providers, our employees can only add people from their own household to the subscription. With digitec connect, employees decide for themselves who they want to add using the Family + Friends option. Another advantage is certain roaming services are included. Of course, cost is ultimately also a deciding factor. And Digitec Galaxus made us a good offer.

Christian Klein, Strategic Supply Chain Manager at the FMC
Christian Klein, Strategic Supply Chain Manager at the FMC
Source: private

Digitec Galaxus is part of the Migros universe. It’s clear you had to choose digitec connect, isn’t it?
Christian: Not at all! We don’t opt for a service simply because it’s available from our affiliated groups. What’s important to us with any new deal is that we offer our employees added benefits.

**And how has the offer been received by your employees, Christian?
Christian: So far, the response has been positive throughout. In particular, being able to reach value-added service numbers, roaming, and the price have proved very beneficial. Of course, this also increases how attractive we are as an employer.

Ralf, as a business customer, what can I expect when working with you?
Ralf: We discuss each company’s individual needs and then make an offer. Companies can get started mere minutes after signing the contract. Sounds simple – and it is. For larger projects, we’re happy to present digitec connect on site – depending on the status of the pandemic. Online appointments are always available.

That sounds like little effort on the company’s part. Are there any hidden time sinks?
Ralf: Whether it’s health insurance or a mobile subscription, many people in Switzerland aren’t enthusiastic about switching providers. But switching is easy. We take care of terminating the old contract, for example. And the first month of digitec connect is free for all customers. Companies have to first communicate these advantages to their employees. There are various ways to do this, for example over the company’s intranet or via e-mail. We know what works and are happy to pass on this knowledge to our business customers.

What plans do you have for digitec connect?
Ralf: We’re continuing to work on raising awareness of digitec connect so as many companies as possible learn about our offer. It helps us react agilely, and the feedback we get from all our customers is key to improving our service. digitec connect doesn’t just offer suitable solutions for large customers; it’s also attractive for small and medium-sized businesses, universities, associations and other organisations.

You can find all further information on digitec connect for business customers here.

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